
Transmitter is a bulk transfer tool that allows you to transfer any combination of ERC20, ERC721, and ERC1155 tokens in one transaction.

Transmitter is open for anyone to use. The main page provides a clear dashboard to view your entire wallet contents of ERC20, ERC721, and ERC1155 tokens, which you can select to bulk send to any valid EVM address.

To view Transmitter open the hamburger menu and select "Transmitter" from the menu. Transmitter is split into four sections:


Here you can see all the ERC20 tokens you currently hold in your wallet

You may add all tokens to send by selecting the "Add All Tokens" checkbox at the top of the list

Alternatively, you may add individual tokens by pressing the "+ ADD ***" button on the right hand side of the token info cards

Once added tokens will be visible in the TOKENS section of the TOKENS TO SEND display.


Here you can enter a valid EVM address that you wish to send the tokens to. Clicking on the browser icon will open up the target wallet address in the EVM explorer


Here you will see all the tokens you have selected to send in the bulk transfer split into two sections NFTs (ERC1155 and ERC721) and TOKENS (ERC20).


NFTs will be visible here once you have added them to the selection. To add NFTs press the "+ ADD NFTs" button

You may remove an NFT by pressing the "REMOVE" button below each token image.

When adding NFTs the NFT select modal will popup:

You may select ALL NFTs in your wallet (ERC721 and ERC1155) by selecting the "Select All" checkbox in the top righthand corner of the modal.

Alternatively, if you wish to select all of an individual collection you may select the "Select All" checkbox in the top righthand corner of the collection view.

You can expand and collapse collections by pressing the up/down arrow icon next to the amount of NFTs you hold for that collection.

If you wish to select or deselect individual NFTs you may do so by clicking on the image of the NFT. An NFT that has a gold border is selected, and NFT with no border is not selected.

Once you have completed your selection you may press the "SAVE SELECTION" button to close the modal. Your selection will now be visible in the Transmitter main dashboard view.


Here you can view all the tokens you have added to the transfer.

To change the amount of tokens you wish to send click in the input value box for the token you wish to alter the amount for and type in the amount you wish to send.

To select all of one token type press the "MAX" button on the top right of the token section.

To remove a token press the REMOVE *** X" button underneath the token input.


Once you are happy with the contents of the transfer and have double checked the RECEIVER ADDRESS you can press the "BULK SEND" button to proceed with the transfer.

You will see a warning modal to double check the details of your transfer are correct before proceeding. To proceed press the "SEND ASSETS" button.

BE SURE TO CHECK YOU HAVE ALL THE RIGHT INFORMATION WITHIN YOUR TRANSACTION! Once a transaction is processed and confirmed within your wallet it CANNOT be undone.

You will now be presented with a number of transactions to confirm as you proceed with the bulk transfer.

You will be requested to confirm permission for each of the tokens you wish to send.

Once these are confirmed you will be presented with the transaction send request which you can sign in your wallet.

Once signed your bulk transfer will be completed in seconds.

Last updated